TBI Lawyers in WV Can Ease the Burden of Traumatic Brain Injury

Image of paramedics taking someone out of an ambulance that has suffered a brain injury, representing the need for TBI lawyers in WV when facing an unimaginable battle to recover the compensation you deserve.

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an injury that usually occurs as a result of a forceful hit to the head, piercing of the skull and/or brain tissue, or lack of oxygen to the brain for an extended period of time. A TBI can be relatively minor and have short-lived effects, or it can be catastrophic with life-altering damage and impact. Regardless of the severity of the TBI, it is important to know when you should call experienced TBI lawyers in WV to protect your rights after suffering a TBI.

Knowing When You Need TBI Lawyers in WV

Traumatic brain injuries are a lot more common than most people realize, and there are many ways that a person can incur this type of injury. A person does not have to be knocked to the ground by a blow to the head to suffer a TBI. Even a seemingly minor hit to the head can cause a traumatic brain injury. While loss of consciousness can be the effect of a TBI, there are other more minor effects that people often overlook or disregard as possible symptoms of a traumatic brain injury.

What Are the Symptoms of a Traumatic Brain Injury?

A TBI can have physical, sensory, or cognitive symptoms. Physical symptoms include:

  • Headache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Speech problems (aphasia)
  • Fatigue, difficulty sleeping, or changes in sleep patterns
  • Balance problems or dizziness

A TBI can also affect the senses. A person suffering from a TBI may have one or more sensory symptoms such as:

  • Blurred vision
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • Changes in the ability to smell
  • A bad taste in the mouth

And a TBI can also cause or worsen problems with a person’s cognitive abilities such as:

  • Memory problems
  • Concentration difficulties
  • Mood changes or swings
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

Common Causes of Traumatic Brain Injury

A severe blow or violent hit to the head that results in brain injury is the most common type of TBI. Typical causes of a forceful strike to the head include:

  • Falls
  • Auto accidents
  • Sports injuries
  • Physical violence/domestic violence

TBIs can also be caused when something pierces the skull and possibly the brain tissue. Piercing the skull requires significant force such as from a gunshot. While not as likely, a person can also pierce the skull by falling and striking a sharp object at just the right angle.

A lack of oxygen to the brain, or hypoxia, can also cause a traumatic brain injury. In this situation, traumatic brain injury and medical malpractice often go hand-in-hand. Equipment malfunctions or mistakes by medical professionals in surgery or anesthesia can have detrimental impacts on the patient and cause life-changing or life-threatening brain injury to that patient.

Effects of Traumatic Brain Injuries

The impact to a victim of a TBI can vary from a few days of lost work or a few weeks of severe headaches and dizziness to many years of confusion, disorientation, and permanent disability. According to the West Virginia University Center for Excellence in Disabilities, traumatic brain injury effects can cause short-lived, long-lasting, or intermittent lifetime problems in:

  • Behavior
  • Health and wellness
  • MobilityAnatomical image of someone of a person with the brain highlighted, representing the victim of a traumatic brain injury who needs the Law Offices of Kelly R. Reed, experienced TBI lawyers in WV who fight for you.
  • Fatigue
  • Social interactions
  • Substance abuse and mental health
  • Stress management
  • Learning
  • Money management
  • Job skills

TBI Lawyers in WV Can Help You Recover Losses

Brain injuries can be caused by various accidents and incidents, but sometimes a traumatic brain injury is due to medical malpractice. Under West Virginia Code §55-7B-1, all West Virginia citizens are entitled to the best available medical care and are due compensation if injury or death occur as a result of medical negligence.

In cases of accidental injury and medical malpractice, insurance providers and other third parties are often responsible for compensating injured individuals or families. It is important to work with lawyers who have experience negotiating or, if needed, fighting to get the best WV brain injury settlement for every client.

How TBI Lawyers in WV Can Help

If you have suffered a TBI due to medical malpractice, an accident, or another incident, the most important thing to do is get the care you need. Finding the right medical team to learn ways to heal or cope with the effects of a TBI is important for moving forward in your life.

You also need experienced legal counsel to protect your rights, and you’ll find experienced TBI lawyers in WV at the Law Offices of Kelly R. Reed. Our attorneys can get you the best WV brain injury settlement to help you recover financially from the tragic impacts of a TBI. Whether it occurred as a result of an accident, an injury, or if you have a TBI due to medical malpractice, call us at 304-292-2020 or complete our online contact form today for a free consultation.

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